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Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, University of Michigan Health SystemThe most comprehensive demonstrations on Musuculosksletal Ultrasonography in web!--> http://www.med.umich.edu/rad/muscskel/mskus/index.htmlAbstractMusculoskeletal sonography is a rapidly evolving modality, which is gaining popularity for the evaluation and management of joint and soft tissue disorders. The purpose of this exhibit was to develop an interactive computer-based teaching tool to illustrate current and potential applications of musculoskeletal sonography.We review the general principles and techniques of musculoskeletal sonography. The advantages and limitations of sonography are discussed. A broad spectrum of musculoskeletal disorders will be presented. This interactive tutorial allows the user to scroll through the annotated normal anatomy section. The self paced example cases section features pathologic conditions and brief text discussion shown initially unmarked, with annotations provided at the user's request. Real time video clips examples are shown to emphasize the dynamic nature of sonographic imaging. Our easy to use program is organized by anatomic location. Correlative imaging including plain film, CT, and MRI will be shown as appropriate.This web-based exhibit will provide an instructional resource for the application of musculoskeletal sonography.